Order Nce products

Use sample below to order a Nce product.

using Crayon.Api.Sdk;
using Crayon.Api.Sdk.Domain.Csp;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ClientSdkSample
    internal class Program
        static async Task Main(string[] args)

            var clientId = "XXXXXX";
            var clientSecret = "XXXXXX";
            var userName = "XXXX@XXXX.XXX EMAIL";
            var password = "XXXXXX";

            var apiUrl = "https://api.crayon.com/";

            var client = new CrayonApiClient(apiUrl);

            var token = client.Tokens.GetUserToken(clientId, clientSecret, userName, password).GetData().AccessToken;

            var order = new AssetOrder();
            order.ResellerCustomerId = XXXX; //customerTenantId // Cloud Account ID
            order.OrderLines = new List<AssetOrderLine>();

            var orderLine = new AssetOrderLine();
            orderLine.BillingCycle = BillingCycleType.Monthly;
            orderLine.ProductId = "CFQ7TTC0LF8R";
            orderLine.ProductVariantId = 2622144;
            orderLine.Quantity = 1;
            orderLine.SkuId = "0010";
            orderLine.TermDuration = "P1M";
            orderLine.Type = AssetType.Subscription;


            var verifyResult = await client.Assets.VerifyAsync(token, order);

            if (verifyResult.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                if (verifyResult.Data.OrderLines.Any(x => x.Errors.Any()))
                    //order lines with error
                    foreach (var errRow in verifyResult.Data.OrderLines.Where(x => x.Errors.Any()))
                        foreach (var errItem in errRow.Errors)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Error: {errItem.Description}");
                    var checkoutResult = await client.Assets.CheckoutAsync(token, verifyResult.Data);

                    if (checkoutResult.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        Console.WriteLine("Purchase request successfully added to the queue.");
                        //connection problem
                        Console.WriteLine("Checkout failed.");

                //connection problem
                Console.WriteLine("Verify failed.");
