Rename Azure Subscription ========================= Changes name of azure subscription connected to an azure plan. Prerequisites ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - This is only for accounts that have transfered over to Azure Plan. If Azure plan is not used for account, then look at rename subscription documentation instead: :doc:`/scenarios/subscription-update` (For non azure plan subscriptions) - Find a customer tenant that is connected to Azure Plan :doc:`/scenarios/customertenants-get` - Find your azure plan id using endpoint *GET{customerTenantId}/azureplan/* - You need to have signed the Microsoft Customer Agreement. :doc:`/scenarios/customertenantagreement-create` Request ^^^^^^^ Request Syntax: +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Method | Request URI | +=========+============================================================================================+ | PATCH | *{azurePlanId}/azuresubscriptions/{id}/rename/* | +---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Request Example: :: PATCH $"{azurePlanId:int}/azuresubscriptions/{id:int}/rename/" Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer < Token > Request Body: .. literalinclude:: /scenarios/_static/AzureSubscriptionRename.json :language: json Response ^^^^^^^^ If successful, this method returns the Microsoft azure subscription id in the response body. Response Body: .. literalinclude:: /resources/_static/AzureSubscriptionUpdated.json :language: json